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Connecting creators with the digital industry

Turn your content into video classes, pre-made or live classes and use MarkMe Icons to engage with enthusiastic learners all around the world.

Compatible with Android version 6.0 or higher

Learning made easy

With Markme Icons, you can create or join multiple classes. Get together and learn with friends as you move from topic to topic, right from your phone.


Your classes are just a tap away with the Markme Icons app while at home or on-the-go. Use the onscreen keyboard from your phone or tablet to ask quick question, reply to other's queries and talk one-on-one with the creator . And built-in media uploads make learning more fun .

Celebrate your creator progress with achievements. Access leaderboards to see how your classes rank against other creators, and filter your most important achievements all while you’re on the go.

Create a Class

Create you Classes and Upload your content

Get approval

We will review your work and approve it.

Upload Classes

You can publish and sell your Classes on MarkMe Icons app

Get the app now

Download Markme Icons App on Android

Compatible with Android version 6.0 or higher

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